Comprehensive solar energy solutions for your home

Butterfly PBC offers a seamless and efficient approach to transforming your home with clean, renewable energy. Quite simply, we will design the same core system for you that we also use on our own homes. 

Harnessing the sun is our expertise.

Using the abundant energy from the sun will greatly reduce your electricity costs for decades. No more spikes or rate hikes, just predictable, affordable power. That’s the benefit of solar power and true energy independence. Plus, the energy you produce is cleaner and safer than what you normally purchase.

The system we design for your home will use the same core components as the ones on our own homes. We have an extremely limited number of suppliers. In most cases they are based on long term relationships: we know the companies that make the products and the people behind them. We take it personally so you don’t need to worry.

Solar systems are built to last 25 years at a minimum. So let’s make sure that your roof is ready to go the distance as well. Butterfly will do a full roof inspection before any solar project.

Whether your roof needs minor repairs or it is time for a complete replacement, Butterfly will help you understand all options. Combining roof work with your solar project is a core benefit of working with Butterfly. We know getting the roof right before putting on solar is simply the only way to do it.


Ground-mounted solar arrays are a great way to take advantage of open land or space around your home. Working in a similar fashion to rooftop solar, these panels will offset electricity usage in your home, help you to lower power bills, and promote a more sustainable future. 

Ground mount systems are great for homeowners with limited rooftop space due to shading or obstructions and can even be ideal for creating a microgrid for your home. Learn more about our ground-mounted solar installation services in Montgomery County, PA by clicking beow.


Making your own energy with solar power is the start of the new smart home. Now you can also store energy for a backup power source in case of blackouts. If your concerned about losing power, then storage is a solution to consider. We can guide you through the decision process and share the pros and cons of adding batteries.

We are not there yet but eventually Pennsylvania and PECO might even incentivize ratepayers to put power back on to the grid during the year. Today adding storage makes sense when you simply need to keep the power on and critical operations running.

Butterfly takes the guesswork out of the process by integrating your needs into one simple solution. The result is a truly connected home.


Maybe you already drive an electric vehicle or are planning to get one soon. You’re not alone. It’s estimated that 30% of vehicles in the U.S. will be electric by the late 2020s.

Solar production and EVs are a perfect match and Butterfly handles both. We will install a charger during your installation so that you can fill up your ‘tank’ with free energy from the sun. We will also design a solar system to match your EVs footprint so your car is truly green.

Yoda: Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Step 1: Think about solar.
Whether you are ready to go solar or just curious, we can provide an initial view of your home’s solar potential. This is a great way to start.

We will look at how much sun hits your roof and how much space there is for a solar system.. The goal here is to help you understand your home's unique solar potential. Two homes on the same street can have drastically different energy production. The gold colored homes below are ideal for solar compared to their neighbors across the street on the shady side.
Step 2: Talk to other solar companies!
There is a whole gamut of companies to consider and it is a good idea to see more than one quote or proposal. We can even recommend other companies to consider.

Step 3: Call Butterfly for a site visit.
This site visit simply cannot be done remotely as we need to see three key parts of your home: 1) your roof and 2) your roof’s internal framing structure (usually available via an attic or crawl space) and 3) your home’s existing electric main service panel (MSP) and PECO meter.. We typically need about 5 - 10 minutes inside your home.

With this onsite survey completed, we now can tell you accurately whether you need any work done on your roof or if an upgrade will be required for the existing electric service. Most homes will need very little, if anything, in terms of prep work. But we still check to avoid surprises later.

Finally, we turn to the engineers to develop a system that is compliant with your local solar code and PECO’s interconnection standards.

This step ends with a final proposal that details your system’s size, annual savings and total cost.

(TIP: If you have not talked to any other solar companies yet, we still recommend it …)
Step 4: Contract, financing, and installation.
We will provide you with a final contract to review and request either a 10% deposit or, if you are getting a loan, skip the deposit once your loan application is submitted.

Next up are permit applications for your town and PECO's Interconnection paperwork.

Once your permits are approved, then it is time to set an install date. Most residential installs will be done in 1-2 days. If you are paying cash, then we will agree on payment terms due before the actual installation starts. Those using a loan will get their install date set once the loan is approved.

ECOnomics: The financial power of solar.

You own the home you live in. You rent the electricity that makes your home livable.

In the past, there was no other option. The solar financial incentives of today did not exist.

Today however you can make electricity safely on your own roof for a fraction of what PECO charges. Even better, the energy produced at home is renewable, non-polluting and quiet.

But isn’t solar really expensive?

Let’s see….

If your electric bill is $150 per month, that is $1,800 a year. PECO’s rates don’t stand still. Their historic increase is 3 – 4% annually over the past 20 years. ( PECO did increase rates by over 30% over the past two years but let’s look at a longer term).

Here is what that $150 bill each month looks like when you add it up, year after year…

It’s only $150 a month today but, unless you plan on living in a home without electricity, it never ends. After a decade you have given PECO almost $22,000 dollars! After 20 years, cumulative electric costs are more than $53,000. Bill after bill, you pay a small fortune with no end in sight. It is not solar that is expensive, it is the drip by drip approach that quietly takes your money.

What would going solar look like instead of paying PECO?

Well, for starters, it will be much BETTER!

Whether you pay for the entire system with cash or finance the project with a 12 or 20 year loan, getting solar on your roof will save you and your family real money. Take a look at how going solar beats the DO NOTHING approach with PECO. The chart below shows how Do Nothing ( red line) silently drains your money while offering nothing in return. The green is Pay Cash and typically you are ahead of PECO within the first 5 years. Break even is often in years 8-10 depending on individual system performance that varies from house to house depending on how much sun hits the roof.

The two loan options are almost ALWAYS better than the DO NOTHING path.

It is not free. It is an investment in your home, your family, your community. However, it won’t just get up on your roof. You need to make it happen.


If you want this bill each month, then maybe it is time to get solar.

If you have cash available, then paying for this investment all at once offers the highest return.

But there are also great loan options. Best yet, unlike buying your home, a solar system loan does not require a down payment! Your savings can be used to pay for the entire loan.

Butterfly PBC does not offer a leasing option. Unfortunately most leasing options available today benefit only the finance companies and not the homeowner. Caveat emptor.

For those considering a loan, we recommend Clean Energy Credit Union. They are a not-for-profit, tax-exempt cooperative with a mission dedicated to funding green energy.  

Here is their link: